Friday, October 24, 2014

Has the Lively Experiment Failed

Monetary chairs is the Rhode Island solution to its economic problems. Who will be the last standing? Casinos are not the economic development machines they are portrayed to be, they are re-distributional mechanism dependent on Massachusetts players leaving more money here than the owners and operators take out of the State.

Pay to play schemes are an invisable tax that benefits the politician at the expense of tax payers. Before we lower taxes and cut programs, maybe we should stop the pay to play taxes extorted by our politician and their Zombies.

A good place to start would be the sweet heart deals with Union Leaders that help to insure both the leaders and politicians re-election while condemning the next generation of tax payers and union members on pensions to poverty from underfunded pension programs.

Prison would be a good place to send those who use alleged ballot interference tactics to influence the Providence election process. True or not it, such publicity only helps to reenforce that the public's perception that the Good Old Buddy Days are back. And frighten off prospective investors.

Moral obligation bonds are a contradiction in terms. They are fiction approved by a legislature that has no morals and which feel their only obligation is toward themselves not the tax payers. This is no way to build an economy. I guess that they feel because when the Heritage Bank failed they got all their money back at tax payer expense that the tax payers will be willing bail out any private company they approve,  regardless where they are from or how the deal was made.

The Bishop, who thinks he is Pope of Rhode Island, forgets that Roger Williams founded this state on the principle of separation of church and state. The Bishop seems to feel that this entitles him to declare his church's dogma should rule over all matters of personal conscious for everyone in the state to the exclusion of all points of view. He and his Tea Party allies would love to see a Constitutional Convention be given the opportunity to overturn the principle established in the Charter and the Federal Constitution.

Rather than hold a Constitutional Convention to change things in the state, we might be better off just trying to play by the rules we have. The first step for such  change to elect honest representatives who represent the best of the state and throw out the insiders who lie and cheat to get your vote by promising everything and leaving you and us with nothing..

Has the lively experiment failed? Maybe we will see in this election.

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