Monday, October 3, 2011

Pet Lovers Unit - Maggie's Pantry Official Opens

Maggie's Pantry was officially opened this past Saturday in Richmond, RI. . We reported on Maggie's Pantry back in April. Today Pet Owners who find themselves out of work, financial stressed, and facing the choice of going without or giving up their pet have an alternative -- Maggie's Pantry. Thanks to Carol Terranova,  her friends and sponsors.

In tough times, just a little help can make all the difference in the world. Often the presence of a cat or dog and its ability to give unconditional love may be all that stands between a life worth living and a life to be lived.

I know. Years ago after losing my job, my wife, my parents and facing the default on my mortgage, all inside of three months, the only reason I felt for living was my responsibility for my pet Old English Shepard/Irish Wolf Hound mix dog, Alpha.

One day when I was scheduled for a job interview I discovered that I had nearly run out of gas for my car and I was also out of food for Alpha. When I went to the ATM, I discover that I had only just enough for a tank of gas and a small bag of dog food. I didn't know what I was going to do once the bag of dog food ran out. Gas was definitely my most important expense if I hoped to get a job. Yet, Alpha was the only friend I felt I really had. The only alternative that I could see, was to take her to the pound. That would have been a death sentence for my 11 year old friend and companion.

Fortunately, I was offered a job a few days later. I was able to buy a very large bag of food for Alpha with my first pay check . Afterwards, I thought, "If only there were a community resource that provided a temporary hand to tide the pet owner over -- like the Community Food Bank -- only for pets, I could have used it".

Many people and families today are facing similar crises and the question, "With all our expenses, how do we afford to feed our pet dog or cat?". They may be forced to take their closest of companion to the pound. They also know full well that this may be a death sentence for their pet. Now today, if you are seeking food for your companion animals, you can visit Maggie's Pet Pantry during its regular hours of operation: Monday 2 to 4 p.m. and Saturday 10 a.m. to noon. The pantry is located at the Richmond Public Works Department, 51 Buttonwoods Road, near Wyoming, Richmond, RI 02898

Maggie's Pantry is just the solution for this problem. . A non-profit organization dedicated to helping pet owners, it is a Community Food Bank for Pets. It is an opportunity for those who love their pets and are friends of animals, to help each other out. Maggie's Pantry can use your assistance and donation..If you would like to donate pet food and/or supplies to Maggie’s Pet Pantry, please call Carol Terranova at 401-539-3122 (home) or 401-741-1596 (cell phone). You can also email Terranova