Friday, May 25, 2012

38 Studio - The Blame game begins

I find it interesting but again not unpredictable that the blame game has begun. Having been in the position of being an interim director of several organizations in my life time -- the present situation seems all to familiar.

Gov. Chafee, like President Obama, will get the blame for the sins of their predecessor. The public and the press (media) operating on a short term memory basis will blame the individual who is closest to the victim when they (the media) arrive on the scene. That is, we were and are facing an economic crisis both here in Rhode Island and nationally. It is a crisis brought on by our own actions in the current culture of greed. Our elected leaders are showing their true courage and in some other cases their lack there of.

To be the Governor of ALL the people or President of ALL the people, is like a being a the first Trauma Doctor at the scene on 9/11. You have to jump in do your job the best you can and make choices about which victims to treat and which can wait. Regardless of what you do, somebody will blame you for those you did not treat.

Chafee was constrained in his role with the EDC and by the crony capitalist deal by the baseball player, the former Big Audit Governor (does anyone remember that campaign pledge) and the incompetent Leadership in the State House who love to pass those sweetheart deals. While Chafee opposed the deal before he was elected, he was saddled with it and the personnel who oversaw it. The Executive Director of EDC was in on the deal in the beginning with the former Governor. One would expect he would be most knowledgeable about the details and immediately responsible for monitoring and managing the loan guarantees on a day to day basis.

Governor Chafee came into office inheriting the credit rating cut, the pension problem, state and local revenue short falls, a Republican, --WHOOOPS!! I got the Congress and the State Legislature mixed up here -- a Democrat Legislature, and a Press fueled by the Tea Party mentality that would neven consider the revenue side of fixing these problems, etc. We all concentrated on the BIG issues and expected that those in-charge of the specific programs would do their job as PUBLIC SERVANTS in the tax payer's and citizens' interests.

I know from experience that when you find yourself in this situation you set priorities. Then you move ahead putting trust in the people you have inherited as well as those you hire. Some of the people you inherit turn out to be either incompetent and/or part of the problem. They will bale out the moment things get uncomfortable, leaving behind their own failures as well as the failure of those over whom you entrusted them to oversee or regulate. But haven't we seen this before in reference to Wall Street?

The point here is simple, Chafee's job from today forward is to try to solve the problem as best as he can and with the sincere help and support of those who care about the present and future interest of the State, the taxpayers, and the former employees of 38 Studios

38 Studio is a local case of the larger problem we face. It brings to mind Socrates' age old question, "Who will guard the Guardians?"

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